Kerneelsie Cares

Improving the Lives of Feral Cats and Cats in Need

black cat hiding behind green grass
black cat hiding behind green grass

Who is Kerneelsie

Kerneelsie, was a loving Ginger boy who provided much happiness through his many adventures posted on Facebook.

Kerneelsie Cares NPC was founded in his memory to make a difference in the lives of his furry friends that make our world a better place.

We will be posting his adventure archive on the blog section of this website in the future.

cat sleeping on bed
cat sleeping on bed

Our Mission

At Kerneelsie Cares, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of feral cats and cats of families in need. Our mission is to provide basic veterinary care and sterilizations to improve the health and well-being of these cats.

a close up of a cat with green eyes
a close up of a cat with green eyes

Our Focus

We primarily focus our efforts in the rural areas of Albertinia, located in the Hessequa Municipality of South Africa. By targeting these areas, we can make a significant impact on the lives of cats that may not have access to basic veterinary care. We do however also provide assistance country wide when possible.

About Kerneelsie Cares

Kerneelsie Cares is a non-profit company (Reg: 2023/766990/08) registered as a non-profit organisation (Reg: 294-175 NPO) with the South African Department of Social Development.

Caring for vulnerable cats, four paws at a time

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